Recovering TBI survivor,
Author, Indomitable Personality.

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I write because I WANT to, ... not because I HAVE to.

My overall progress is very SSSLOOOOOW & methodical.  Only I can observe the very minute improvements that prosper day by day.  It's an often frustratingly LOOOOONG & gradual process.  But, I see the [DIM]light at the end of the tunnel.

... Weeeeell, actually, my untiring IMpatience very much blurs my FOREsight.  Yes, I am a relentless optimist.  But. my death-DEFYING accident transformed me into MUCH more of a REAList.  I still possess a very optimistic view of life.  I merely set more attainable goals ... for myself.  IIIF I attain said "goal" ahead of my predicted date, I will adjust myself accordingly.

I.e. Initially, I set "100 'HIP-ups' before 2024" as my exercise goal.  Through numerous RE-estimations of my kinetic output, I have finally settled upon "125 'HIP-ups' by July 4" as my new target.  Well, well, well.  In lieu of my latest revision, I took a very encouraging [metaphorical] step forward:

I successfully & painLESSly demonstrated 120 "HIP-ups" (80-rest-40).  That was my NEW record!  (Audible SIGH) At the rate I'm exercising & with just five more "HIP-ups" to display in the next ... two plus months (67 days), I'd say I am WELL on my way!  I just may have to revise my goal yet AGAIN.

On a WAAAAAAY LESS positive note, my NEW* [mechanical] wheelchair just completed shut DOWN/OFF all too quickly.  After recharging it all night, it still doesn't work.  At all.  Nevertheless, my health insurance will pay for a newER chair.

(It had BETTER!)

Alas!  To end on a more POSITIVE note, I'm really making commendable progress in my writing!  Currently--as of 4/28/23, I have published 12 books.  Additionally though, I have completed writing another six+ novels.

(My mind operates THAT quickly, & I have THAT much free time.)

* = Well, 'twas NEW to ME.  But, it turns out that the salesman had acquired said "chair" from a now deceased [EX-] customer.  Well, the steering & the mechanics worked just fine.  However, the battery itself "DIED" after less than an hour.  

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