--> So, I began my morning, first, by catching up on a few emails. (SIMPLE correspondence)
... Next, I WALKED my [typically ~40 so today was] 38 FOOTSTEPS to MY toilet to urinate.
... After STANDing to wash my hands, I returned to my bed to write more.
(No matter how effort-FULL I may try, I just canNOT stop my mind from meandering.)
--> So, my trainer has returned from his brief vacation to continue with my workoutS. I performed my customary amountS ... with my typical resistanceS ... for my usual number of repetitions:
-- Walking on the parallel bars forward (2 laps), backwards (2 laps) and sideways (just 1 lap)
... 30 calf raises
-- 20 bicep curls on left arm with 10 lb dumbbell
-- 30 regular bicep curls and 20 hammer curls on right arm with 15 lbs
-- 10 isomeric leg extensions with my trainer's resistance on the left leg
-- HIP-ups: 140 total but 90 reps then rest and then 50 reps
(I again tied my RECORD-HIGH!)
-- Tricep extension 2 sets each arm
... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the left side--both with 10 lbs
... 2 sets of 15 reps on the right, but 1st set was with 15 lbs and the 2nd set was 10 lbs
-- 30 ball hamstring curls with 2 legs but also single leg hamstring curls 20 reps with each leg
-- NO BIKE ride 'cuz of rain
... REPLACEMENT: I performed halVES of chest-press -- 15 SOLO repetitions of a 20 lb dumbbell with my right arm & 15 assisted repetitions with my leftie.
... EXCELLENT new addition--as a substitute!
--> I wrote more (almost ~ four full pages in my 19th book. My editor has published only 12 books.).